Oud Holland

Jun 2023: Oud Holland publishes six new reviews

New Oud Holland Book and Exhibition Reviews

30 June 2023

For the early-summer 2023 edition of Oud Holland Reviews, six new contributors provide their commentary on six publications, three of which are exhibition catalogues.

Tine Meganck reviews the edited collection of essays entitled Antwerp in the Renaissance, which culls together diverse authors to shed new light on recent research on the city and its literary, cultural and artistic milieus. Ann Jensen Adams provides insight into the catalouge Portretten door Zeeuwse meesters uit de Gouden Eeuw, which accompanied an exhiition of the same name held at the Stadhuismuseum Zierikzee from 24 December 2020-14 November 2021. Jørgen Wadum summarises the recent research results collected in The Ghent Altarpiece. Research and conservation of the interior: The lower register, which was published after a years-long research project. Betsy Wieseman explains what makes Jacobus Vrel. Looking for clues of an enigmatic painter such an interesting book and exhibition, by contrasting the artist to other painters in whose shadows Vrel is situated. The exhibition ran from 12 October 2021-19 June 2022 at the Alte Pinakothek in Munich before it then traveled to the Mauritshuis, from 16 February-29 May 2023. Frits Scholten gives extensive insight into the book Grinling Gibbons and his contemporaries (1650-1700). The Golden Age of woodcarving in the Netherlands and Britain — highlighting the importance of the international perspective on Dutch art. And lastly, Mariëlle Ekkelenkamp considers the exhibition 'Goddesses of art nouveau', and its catalouge, shown at the Allard Pierson Museum in Amsterdam, from 17 December 2020-21 March 2021.

Oud Holland extends sunny summer greetings to our readers.