Oud Holland


The editors of Oud Holland welcome academic articles on art and the applied arts from the Low Countries (Belgium and the Netherlands) from ca. 1400-1920; from contextualised archival documents, (re)attributions of artworks, and issues on iconography or technical art-history, to broader analyses of artists' practices and their relation to commissioners and collectors in socio-economical, scientific, religious and other historical contexts, including the reception and pedigree of artworks. For proposals for theme issues, please contact the managing editor (see About). Contributions for Oud Holland Reviews should not exceed 3.500 words (excl. notes) for those that discuss one title (exhibition/publication) and 5.000 words (excl. notes) for those that discuss two or more titles (exhibitions/publications).

Manuscripts that are currently under consideration by any other journal will not be accepted. Oud Holland does not publish articles on works of art from private or corporate collections, or commercial art galleries, that are the property of the author. The author should not have a conflict of interest, financial or otherwise. Additionally, authors have to agree with the ‘Ethical and Legal Conditions’ (pdf) of our publisher, Brill.

Authors should submit their manuscript online via editorialmanager.com/oh. First-time users need to register. Go to the website and click on 'Register now' in the login menu. Enter the information requested. When registering, select e-mail as the preferred method of contact. Upon successful registration, an e-mail message containing a username and password will be sent to the address provided.

After submission, the manuscript will be discussed by the editorial board of Oud Holland. This editorial round can result in rejection, request for revision, or in the consulting of peer reviewers. Only after completing this last step can the board guarantee the publication of the article. Authors are responsible for providing high resolution images (free of rights). The entire process, from submission of the manuscript to publication of an article, takes circa 1 year. After submission, authors commit to the editing process as communicated by the managing editor.

More information on how to submit a manuscript can be found in the Instructions for authors (pdf).